Friday, October 31, 2014

Classroom Update

Upcoming events!

Wednesday November 5th
McTeacher Night- 5-7pm Endeavour teachers will be working the Orchards location drive thru, flipping burgers, and making ice cream treats!  We hope to see you there! 5517 NE Gher Rd. 

Thursday Nov. 6th
Picture Retakes
Friday Nov. 7th 
Movie Night! 5:30-7pm PTO event. Come watch a movie with friends and enter to win prizes in a raffle. I believe FROZEN won the movie choice vote.

Classroom needs...I am running low on snacks...If you could please send in a box of graham crackers, or gold fish, or crackers of any kind, that would be helpful. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

A note from the Library

Dear Parents/Guardians:

We value our students learning and want to encourage them to check out books and resources from our library. We’ve been reading stories and talking about how to take care of library books and bring them back on time so that others can enjoy them too. Please talk with your child again at home about taking special care of borrowed books.    

Here is some information which will help you to help them.
v     Find a safe place to keep library books when not being read. Your child’s backpack is a good place and makes it ready to return to school.
v     Please help your child remember to return his or her library books and bags on time so they can check out more books.
v     The returnable bag is important because it has your child’s library card number on the barcode and it also helps keep books protected to and from school.
v     If a student has a “Past Due” book, he/she will need to return that book before new books can be checked out. We hope this helps students find missing books sooner rather than later.
v     If a book can’t be located once it becomes past due, a fine letter will be sent home the following month and a plan will need to be made before future check outs.
v     Accidents happen. A responsible student will bring the book to the library to tell us about the damage. Do NOT try to fix books at home. We have special library repair supplies so we rarely have to use tape. In many cases we can fix the books and there is no need to pay for any damage.
v     If a book gets wet, stand it up so it can dry, separating the pages with paper towels. Return it as soon as possible to the library.

You can help your child develop reading readiness and vocabulary by reading library books to or with your child. Library books are much different than the practice books children use to learn to read in the classroom. The vocabulary is rich, complex, and usually too difficult for beginning readers in kindergarten and first grade.  Children develop a love of reading by hearing the flow and richness of language in caring voices of caring adults.
Your child’s library day is _Thursday_.
   Library Checkout   
# of books able to check out
Cozy Corner
1 book with a returnable bag
Kindergarteners begin check out in
1 book with a returnable bag
1 book with a returnable bag
2 books – no bags this year
2 books
3 books
3 books
Please contact me if you ever have any questions or concerns about library books.
Endeavour Elementary (360)604-4920 or
I am here to help.
Dee Hamburger, Teacher Librarian Technology Specialist
P.S.  Be sure to check out our library webpage at

Classroom Updates


Pictures are in...Please contact the photo company if there are any issues with your order.


November lunch menus are located at the evergreen website under food services.  Click on the link below.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Next weeks events

Parent/teacher conferences & Fall Festival

Next week we have early release Tuesday, October 21st through Friday, October 24th for parent/teacher conferences.  Reminders will be coming home today.

On Wednesday October 22,  PTA has organized a fun fall festival from 5:30pm-6:30pm.  There will be bobbing for apples and many other fall activities.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Stuffed Animal Parade

Mrs. Bergs class and I were invited to a stuffed animal parade at Bridgewood on Thursday October 16th.

I have asked the students to bring their favorite stuffed animal to share with the residents at bridgewood. Please make sure it is not too big to carry over.


Monday, October 6, 2014

Reading with you children.

Reading to your student every day is one of the most effective ways to help your student become a proficient reader.  Just remember these three words...TO, WITH, BY. 
Have your child read to you
Have your child listen to a story by you
Read a story with your child (taking turns).

Picture Day

Tomorrow is picture day!

Remember to not wear any green due to the green screen background.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher Conferences are upon us.  They are scheduled for Tuesday October 21, Wednesday October 22, and Thursday October 23rd.  Please e-mail me if you have not already signed up at our open house.

Times that are available...
Tuesday October 21...
Wednesday October 22...
Thursday October 23...

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

All Health Day snuck up on me this week!

Thursday October 2nd at 2:10.

Students will get their hearing and vision checked.  If your student wears glasses in the classroom, please be sure to have them wear them on